Premium Course Power Can Corrupt: Build Your Social Influence and Power, Avoid Being Manipulated

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Jul 17, 2022

Power Can Corrupt: Build Your Social Influence and Power, Avoid Being Manipulated​

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Power Can Corrupt, a single stage subliminal based on the 48 Laws of Power by Robert Greene. Through this subliminal, you will internalize each and every law, be able to use them impeccably, become able to discern whenever they are used in any situation, and be able to plan their use in advance. Power Can Corrupt will also help you be aware of negative, toxic and otherwise harmful people as well as their plans that might affect you.

What do all great leaders have in common?

Some say charisma. Some intelligence. Some say it is because of their grand views on the future.

All of these can be true, but there is one thing that is always true…

They all understand the principles of the underlying social “game”. They have all internalized the laws that net you the most social power. And while these laws can help you inspire love, loyalty and friendship, these same laws can be a double edged sword when used maliciously, and can even harm you when used against you if you are unaware.

That being said, there are those out there whose definitions of power are much more insidious, and that definition of power appears quite common in the modern age. Fortunately for us, a social researcher by the name of Robert Greene did a rather in-depth analysis of “power” throughout the ages and noted the patterns he saw in those with power. He released those findings in the now classic, “The 48 Laws of Power. ” Digesting these laws and getting good enough to identify when someone is using them on you (even on a subconscious level) can be difficult. And, of course, using them yourself when you need a boost.

Enter Power Can Corrupt, a single stage subliminal based on the 48 Laws of Power by Robert Greene. Through this subliminal, you will internalize each and every law, be able to use them impeccably, become able to discern whenever they are used in any situation, and be able to plan their use in advance. Power Can Corrupt will also help you be aware of negative, toxic and otherwise harmful people as well as their plans that might affect you. The subliminal will help you automatically realize when you’re being manipulated, and use this new knowledge set to escape their grasp. It will pair exceptionally well with Ascension, Ascended Mogul, Emperor, Khan and the Ecstasy of Gold, with scripting to specifically link with and enhance those titles.

While our other alpha titles focuses on internal power, Power Can Corrupt will help you cultivate your external power and influence. Both parts are necessary for balance. Power Can Corrupt also offers general benefits such as confidence, sex appeal, social ability etc., with a powerful focus on charisma. You can expect to develop your own brand of charisma that will attract, fascinate, enchant and charm people around you, allowing you to make the most of the 48 laws of power.

Of course, it will take time to internalize the laws and to develop your charisma, so be ready to calibrate your behavior accordingly. If you’re ready to understand the deepest motivations of those around you and use them to build your own sense of power…

Extended Information

It is impossible to list every single benefit or objective of the subliminal due to the way our subliminals are created. They create holistic change that are deeply personal and individual to every single user, so while two individuals might see similar effects, someone else will likely have different experiences. Listing all potential avenues of growth and benefits is simply impossible – but through experience with the subliminal and introspection you can grasp the overall growth direction of the subliminal. Always remember that you are a unique individual with your very own journey, history and life, and our subliminals take that as well as your conscious guidance into account and work with you and who you truly are. In other words, even if an objective/feature/benefit that you want is not listed on the page, it does not mean you won’t experience it as long as the topic of the subliminal is connected to the desired effect.

Furthermore, if you haven’t experienced a specific objective / feature / benefit on the page (or unstated) yet, it does not mean you won’t — it simply means other things are taking precedence and have a much higher priority as dictated by the intricate interplay between your conscious guidance, your situation, your subconscious mind and the subliminal. Finally, there are countless more benefits and features to discover with each subliminal – each subliminal is so much more than a simple list. It is an invaluable companion on your journey that grows with you – indeed, our subliminals can be used indefinitely and throughout your whole life, they will always help you develop in new ways you never expected. Have patience, listen wisely, always be taking action in line with the subliminal and don’t let the list limit you, the subliminal or the experiences you will go through.

Current Level of Technology:

  • Individuals under the age of 18 should NOT run this title.

Gender and Sexual Orientation:


Similarities/Differences: None.


  • Deeply understand all the 48 laws of power and be able to intuitively use them if so desired.
  • Recognize and notice when the 48 laws of power are being used against you, and become able to turn them against those who conspire to hurt or manipulate you.
  • Plan and strategize how to best utilize the 48 laws of power to your advantage in your life.
  • Massively improve your social skills and your understanding of all things social, including the behavior of others.
  • Instantly notice toxic behavior / manipulation attempts from others, regardless of whether they do it consciously or unconsciously.
  • Develop your own sense of charisma that is a perfect representation of who you truly are, that fascinates and intrigues others.
  • Cultivate your external power, build relationships, make life-changing plans utilizing the 48 laws of power in a positive way.
  • … and much more.


  • Power Can Corrupt is quite externally focused — consider stacking it with a more internal-focused social / status subliminal such as Daredevil, Stark or True Social. This will enhance your inner growth and allow you to more easily make use of the external capabilities you develop with Power Can Corrupt. Power Can Corrupt also stacks well with Emperor and Ascension, especially when focused on improving your position in the workplace.
  • Power Can Corrupt’s scripting is focused heavily on defense against manipulation rather than actively using the laws in an aggressive manner. However, the choice is yours.
  • Stacking Power Can Corrupt with Chosen will enhance the latter’s scripting against negativity and societal manipulation.
  • Read the book that this subliminal took inspiration from

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