66Analytics - Easy, friendly & privacy-focused web analytics

66Analytics - Easy, friendly & privacy-focused web analytics v17.0.0 Untouched

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Hello everyone, my licence is revoked since a week because I shared it with a friend for testing purposes and he shared it on the web (ok, not a very smart and reliable friend)... That V15 is not nulled (asking for licence at final install screen) ; does anyone knows how to nulled it? @GambitSteel maybe my bro' ? Or @Morehere ? :)

@GambitSteel And maybe also the "66socialproofo" one with afifliate and pro pack plugin? Same issue with the same guys... I lost almost 900€ because of him, I'm kind of very angry... But this is life and Altum Staff is not very ... friendly :(

Any help will be greatly appreciated ; I have two business that use that 2 products and it's kind of annoying not being able to update my products :( If there is no solution I will rebuy the 2 soft but it's kind of a pain in the *ss :eek:

Thanks my friends!
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Sorry to hear Jack, it's best not to share licenses with anyone, but you've already learned that

I'll null it, don't worry, I just don't have the chance right now, I could do it tomorrow

It was a great loss without a doubt, but I'll help you don't worry

Your business will continue to run with the new versions nulled by me, everything is
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Yeah I learned my lesson, but I was very confident (maybe too much) and I really did not expected that my friend would propagate my two licences keys on the web... :(

@GambitSteel It's a wonderful news if you nulled those two script, I have the untouched version of 66analytics (from my point of view, same version as codenull's one) if you need it but I did not have the time to download the V17 of SocialProofo before my access to Envato Market Downloads was locked... But I saw a V17 on another website with a "not really nulled and functionnal version" (install does not works) ; I will send it to you in PM as I'm not the owner of it :)

Anyway, huuuuge huuuuge thank you, you are saving me! :D

As of now, my two services are down, I hope my money loss won't be too dramatic but I will need to make some big compensation for my customers that's for sure :(
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It's a sad story, but you never know how reputation-hungry some people are, who are able to do that
(share your licenses) and don't imagine how much it can affect you

Plus true nulling doesn't require licenses, it's the last thing you need

Why are your services stopped? Because of license deactivation?

So you just need the nulled version to "update" your current installation and get it working again, right?
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Mmmmh, yeah I guess he is that kind of "reputation-hungry" guy as you said so well... :/

So nulling just need to understand how the script is activated is that it? I try to understand :)

The licence deactivation kind of block me for good because I can not longer access to my admin panel, and customers are unable to buy any plan or use the tool...
so I need a nulled version of those two scripts to be able to restore my business :sick:

(To be honest I think I made a mistake : I tried to make a fresh update and then I was "blocked". I think the update "shut down" the licence key or at least verify it during re-install process, I already noticed that with other scripts I bought on envato like Infix LMS)
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The nulling in a sense is about bypassing license verification systems, this can be done in many ways

From completely disabling them or manipulating the response, for example if you discover that when you enter
the correct purchase code the response is: ABCZ, then you make it respond the same with anything you enter

On the other hand, it is about nulling all communication with the author's server so as not to expose your data,
domain, email, etc etc.

The solution I can think of for you, is to "update" with a nulled version so that you have full access to all the functions
and your control panel again

This is how I have repaired even broken installations
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Mmmmh, Okay I understand. This is interesting! And, do you know why, sometimes, when you use a nulled script, some function does not works well. Does the nulling alterations can affect the script functions at some points? Try to understand to whole thing :)

PS: to be honest, I tried since 2 days to fix my issue with some "semi nulled" script on the web but I gave up and I "rage deleted" all the files (not the database, hopefully, I'm not that crazy) ; kind of "rage quit" the game lol...
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In those cases it is possible that an important part has been omitted or that something else needs to be nulled,
because although the main verification is when starting the installation

There are some scripts that at the end check if the code is genuine (it communicates with the author's server and checks it) and if it is not approved, it does not install certain features
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Poor you bro
I understand your feeling. Like my 2-year ago case
I have a 6000$ Envato shared account
We have 4 people accessing it. Then I shared it with my 5th friend. After that, he found a vulnerability in Flatsome which helps him abuse on unlimited activation by a genuine key. As a result, the author of Flatsome warned his action but he tried to challenge them. Finally, the Envato team blown my account out of their ecosystem with a unclear reason. But only me and him know the real reason why they did that 😶

2 months later, he kicked me out of his private sharing group :)

Life is so fuc*ing bad 😎

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